Content Needed!
We would love to feature your photo, zoning story, news, etc. on this website or in our newsletter. Photos from different parts of the state are needed!!
Email us for more info.
We will continue the check-ins in 2025. Dates for the check-ins are:
May 1, 2025
August 14, 2025
November 20, 2025
The check-ins will now be on Microsoft Teams and will be sent prior to the event. These are a great opportunity to hear from other zoning officials about what is going on across the Commonwealth.
This foundation promotes best practices for Code Enforcement Officers, encourages professionalism, and provides training for how to conduct oneself safely. With so many of our members who enforce Zoning Ordinances this will be a great resource. We look forward to working with and collaborating with the Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation.
Disclaimer: Please be advised that it is primarily up to the locality to assess the safety needs of its employees.
To report a safety incident, please go to Report Incident | CEOSF (