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Exam Dates

Next examination date is June 9, 2025. Registration begins April 2025!
Certification exams are held twice a year, in June and December.

Please read the exam qualifications prior to registering: see exam regulations



Exam Start Times

Breakfast - add-on at registration, 7:30 a.m., Legal 9:00 a.m., Technical 10:45 a.m., Lunch on your own or add-on at registration,12:15 p.m., Management 2:00 p.m.

Exam Fees:  $100 per module

Certified Zoning Official:  Law & Technical Modules

Certified Zoning Administrator (CZA):  Law, Techical & Management Modules

Certified Transportation Manager (CTM): Management & Transportation Module



Membership - You must be a current VAZO member to take any exam.

Employment - You must be permanently employed in the field of zoning, planning, land use law, or other division that is charged
with enforcing or implementing the provisions of a zoning or subdivision ordinance as established under the authority of Chapter
22 (§ 15.2- 2200 etseq.) of Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia.

Online Exams - The exams are now online and through ClassMarker.  You will need to have your own device to take the exam. In addition, please arrive early enough on the day of the exam to make sure your device is connected and ready to go before the exam begins. 

Open Book - Yes, this is an open book exam. Materials that can be used include: training handouts fastened in a binder, books from the recommended reading list, scale, calculator, and pencils. It is highly suggested you bring the recommended reading materials (please see here: Reading List) with you to the exam. All materials may be tabbed (post-it notes are not permitted). You may not share books if you are taking the same exam. If there is a need to share books, please contact the Education Chair PRIOR to the registration deadline for accommodations.